Sunday, March 9, 2008

Words of wisdom...

Today in Relief Society we talked about Martin Harris and the lost manuscripts. As I listened to the lesson, and how over and over Martin Harris asked Joseph Smith to enquire the Lord in regards to allowing Martin to take the manuscripts and show them to his wife, and after three times of Joseph asking the Lord, and the Lord telling him no, finally the Lord said yes, but Martin had to enter into a covenant with the Lord following specific instructions on who Martin could show and to return them. Ultimately what happened was Martin and Joseph's biggest fear- the manuscripts were lost, gone, stolen, who knows- but Martin did not have them in his possession anymore. I sat there in class thinking "Why on earth would Joseph pester the Lord so many times when the Lord repeatedly said No?" And then I got to thinking about how many times I have done that very same thing, asking the Lord for things when He obviously has said No, and yet, I still pester and ask. I think we are all guilty of this, and something that the teacher said really caught my attention: "We have to be careful about what we pray for because we might get it, to our detriment (harm)." The Lord knows what is good for us, even if we don't see the harm in it, He knows all and we must be satisfied with that. Who better to guide our lives but Jesus Christ Himself?

1 comment:

Elder Greg said...

Amazing. Inspiration has been totally be given;-)